Monday, 5 August 2019

Apply, Apply, Apply

I will never forget the first service I applied to. Did I want this specific region? NOPE! Was I allowed to be picky? NOPE! I spent hours and hours on my resume and cover letter. I had so many people read it, in fact I'm sure they got sick and tired of reading it over and over as I would make minor changes. Oh the stress and nerves that would follow in the months to come. I had worked so hard and invested so much into this career. More than anything I wanted a career in paramedicine.

The period of time that passed during first application and now seemed endless - I felt like I would be "a lifer" applying to services only to be rejected again and again. It is so easy to become discouraged in this season of applying, writing services tests, interviewing, practicing scenario, being tested on scenarios, ONLY to find out someone was just a little better than you! However, there is hope! All of the sudden the floodgates opened and there were sixteen services open all at once. It felt like there was so much pressure to get a job offer from every single service! This is an unobtainable feat, but this is what I thought I had to strive for.

My husband (now) received a job offer before I did. I'm going to be brutally honest here. This girl is 100% competition and this one stung! Did he deserve this job? Absolutely! Although totally unwarranted and completely ridiculous, this super competitive, overachieving girl was just a smidge bit jealous. However, things happen for a reason and things would turn around.

My goal was to dedicate one hour to studying every day. It was hard to find the time some days with working and prioritizing family/career life. We all have responsibilities AND distractions, but we need to learn how to prioritize. For me it was delaying some things for the betterment of my future. There were a lot of "NO's" given out in this time period as I knew for me I had to really focus on exceeding through the hiring processes. The process of selection is a highly competitive and demanding one, I was not going to be under-prepared. For you, FIGURE out what works for you. Talk to the people that are close in your life, TRUST me they will understand and want to support you in whatever way they can! This process will likely look a lot different for you than for me, however, you NEED to dedicate a period of time daily and focusing on your future. In the end, if it's between you and another person you don't want them to choose your competitor because you forgot a minor step!

Fact: YOU WILL NOT BE HIRED AT EVERY SERVICE YOU APPLY TO. Unless you're some psycho smart genius who gets LUCKY! It's hard! You will feel like you're doing all that you absolutely can. You will see LESS competent people get hired ahead of you, just DON'T GIVE UP!

Like I said previously I had invested so much time, money, and energy into this career I knew that I could not be "choosy". Did I have my choice service? Absolutely! Did I get it, eventually. However, not without a great sacrifice, and the support of those who understood what the process was like.

To sum it up:
1. Study daily - even if it's for a short period a day
2. Prioritize
3. Find one or two people who are there to support and not be afraid to PUSH you when needed

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